//notification unique id
//The IDs must be unique only within the namespace of your .apk's package nam
//这个ID只需要在你自己的app 空间里唯一即可,不是整个系统唯一
public void setupNotification(Context ctx)
Intent notificationIntent = new Intent(ctx, StartGateActivity.class);
PendingIntent contentIntent = PendingIntent.getActivity(ctx,
0, notificationIntent,
NotificationManager nm = (NotificationManager) ctx
Resources res = ctx.getResources();
CharSequence text = res.getString(R.string.nf_text);
CharSequence contentTitle = res.getString(R.string.nf_title);
CharSequence ticket = res.getString(R.string.nf_ticket);
NotificationCompat.Builder builder= new NotificationCompat.Builder(ctx);
.setOngoing(true) //this flag notification record can't be clear
Notification nf = builder.build();
nm.notify(100, nf);